Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich

Moduł opłat i jego funkcje

All functions related to MI fee are in the Accounting menu options,Terminology and concepts used in the module,"Fees and Relief",These are transactions for charging due fees or reliefs and discounts,"Standard fees",These are those charged with the set formulas,tuition for semester depending on the number of children,"Other fees / reliefs",These are charged ad-hoc fees,In individual cases,for class trips,e.t.c,"Mass calculation of fees",It is a calculation of a standard fee for the whole school,"Individual fees and reliefs" :     Terminologia i pojęcia używane w module: „Opłaty i ulgi” to transakcje naliczenia należnych opłat...