Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich


Current data basis for effective school management

A recognized business management model recommends that for an efficient and effective management it is necessary to have a current, complete and quickly available data.

This is the model introduced in your school systems, Puchatek.

Puchatek is also a catalyst for better use of volunteers to help school parents.

These properties will solve a number of problems faced by Polish schools. Here are some of them:


Better childcare and improvement of their security

Each school has a major risk associated with the care of children. Providing adequate supervision during breaks (through parental duties), appropriate medical intervention in an emergency or a reliable contact with the parents, this causes restlessness and worrisome thoughts for many Headteachers or Chairmen of the school. Negligence in these areas may end tragically for the safety of the children, and for those responsible for the school may become a subject to criminal liability.

Features of Puchatek allows you to improve many aspects of childcare:

  • Current and accessible information about the medical needs of children, which increases the opportunity to apply proper emergency care.
  • Improved attendance of parents doing their duties during school increases the safety of children – all doing their duty.
  • Keeping systematic records and checks on cert criminal records (DBS, formerly CRB) we will meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements.


Hundreds of pounds of additional revenue

A weak point of every Chairman and Headteacher of Polish Saturday School is to look for additional funding for the school. Puchatek can offer a simpler solution to this task! 

Each school should collect all applicable fees from all parents. However,  as obvious as it sounds it doesn’t always work.  Evidence shows that at an average school

2% of families does not pay for the school

which, depending on the size of the school means a loss of several hundred to several thousand pounds a year. Inefficient communication of information between individuals accepting children to school, and collecting fees from parents are the most common causes. Sometimes, children attend school for some time, and then the parents take them without paying tuition.

Thanks to Puchatek it is possible to completely eliminate these cases. When a child is admitted to School, information about this is immediately available to the accountant, enabling them to take the appropriate steps.

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Another reason for not having a claim, is the lack of contact details regarding parents. Very often, the school not being able to contact the parents allow the child to attend school free of charge, not wanting to risk the confusion caused by removing the child from school. Puchatek comes to the aid of virtually eliminating the situation where the school does not have contact information for their parents.


It is worth emphasizing the fact that the school, by the lack of appropriate tools, parents can not demonstrate the accuracy of their information, often losing legitimate debates about penalties for late payment, not doing roster, Puchatek, etc., with the ability to demonstrate the steps taken, gives the school grounds to change this unfavourable situation.

An immediate insight into the state of the school means better control of the action

A major problem in schools is slowness in the transfer of information between individuals. Often, the child stops going to school, and the teacher only after many weeks communicates this information to the Headteacher or the treasurer. Inability of passing on information from different parts of the school to the Headteacher as well as people in charge results in inefficient decisions being made regarding the school.

 Using Puchatek as a system completely removes this problem- updated data is immediately available to all users of the system. This is of the greatest importance when directing where the school uses the structured combinations such as:

  • List of classes – showing the actual number of children in each class and the number of vacancies.
  • Summary of the number of families – a list of essential treasurer to legal charging tuition and other school fees.
  • Reports about children having a low attendance – necessary to take appropriate disciplinary action.
  • Reports on the state of completed rosters – needed when calculating penalties for not doing duty or taking away the deposit.


Better organization of work, or how to involve more parents to help in school

Its modularity Puchatek makes even the most complex tasks of school management simplified. The tasks can be split into two between the larger group of parents. An example is the acceptance of children to school. The tasks set for the parents can be organised that one person is responsible for introducing new children on the class list,  which does not require much time and can be done during school hours. Whilst the other person inputs their personal data after school hours using the forms that have been filled out, as opposed to the first task it is more time consuming.

Click here to learn more

With such capabilities the system will be achieved in two objectives. The first is a faster updating system which would inform the general state of the class. The second is the ability to take advantage of the help of parents who wish to do something for the school but do not have too much free time or can only spend it at home during the evening.


The second advantage gives the management and the governors a huge opportunity for the School of obtaining new parents and to put into perspective the reality of Polish Schools where a small group of enthusiasts participate in keeping the school in business.

Less effort – save up to 80% of the time when entering data from forms

User Interface Puchatek was designed so that all activities related to the management of the school take up the least time:

  • Many operations are performed at the touch of a button.
  • The use of dictionaries accelerates typing information and allows you to avoid mistakes,  whose improvements requires a large amount of time ..
  • The system data in the program and on the forms which go on to the records coincide, making it easier to type out.


Access via the Internet is the ease and flexibility of use

With access through the Internet you do not need to install anything on the computer. The system can be used at school, at home, in the office, at a time convenient for parents and school staff. There is only one copy of the data which is always accessible. At the same time, you can either update the data and how to use them. The system can be used by many people at once.


Puchatek will benefit even the smallest of school’s

It would seem that smaller schools do not need such a system as Puchatek. Apparently it’s easy to keep records of the children and their parents (guardians), lists of fees and roster for 60 or so children. However, take into account two aspects:

  • A small, newly created school will grow and when they reach full range of classes (from nursery to A/ L) even with a smaller number of children in each class it can easily reach the size of about 250 -300 children. Due to the increase of pupils, problems will begin to occur with the management of the school.
  • If appropriate methods of management are implemented at the very start of the school the person leading the school will be much better Prepared for coping with the increase in its size.

Therefore, we believe that early introduction of Puchatek in the school would benefit the school in the early stages.

Helpful introduction to Puchatek to smaller schools is also a special way of licensing, which takes into account the size of the school. Improving the financial health of even the smallest schools will benefit all children learners in Polish Saturday schools.


What next?


Puchatek is used in Polish Saturday schools in the UK and brings them tangible benefits. We believe that it will help your school.

Read on to find out what is included in Puchatek, the possibility of testing it out, as well as a special way of licensing which reflects the size of the school…. … read here


